Fixed Operations 360° Training

Steve Shaw Training
Fixed Operations 360°

The purpose of this full circle program is to design a strategy and approach to ensure your organization is maximizing its strengths to generate the most in sales and gross profit while driving expenses down, to exponentially improve your bottom-line net profit.

A Full Circle Approach to Fixed Operations Training

Fixed Operations 360° Components

Fixed Operations 360° is a four part training concept which includes:

  • Leadership Training
  • Service Advisor Foundations (On-Boarding)
  • Online Webinar Training and Development
  • Process Improvement and Longevity (On-Site Training)
  • Custom Branded Virtual Universities
Together each component of Fixed Ops 360° is perfectly designed to encompass all of your dealership training requirements. Individually each section will maximize the associate’s development and contribute to your dealership vision and goals.

We help you set the standards for fixed operations success!